Where can we find the real workaholics?

Any activities cant be strong,
if it has no basis in the personal interest

(L. Tolstoy. 1.3.3).

Let's see, in what environment is most workaholics? It is obvious that it is among the businessmen and entrepreneurs, and that is no secret. Why? As a rule, in his business is included his major, direct or indirect interest.
All his basic thoughts, in length of time, becomes inextricably connected with the work. That is, of course, not with everyone, but certainly that of the majority. "Well, it is businessmen and entrepreneurs", you will can say.
The work, is their own business and they work exclusively for themselves, and you do not make all staff of your company as a co-owners. What we will need to do here, we will consider later, but now, I would like to note that we need to start with the search and selection of potential workaholics.
Very importantly, to discern among the good and promising candidates, such personality, which are prone, as it is said, to the selfless work. Such a person should not just work, but be permanently connected to the problems of the company; which is sincere worry for the firm, to strive in every way to improve their skills and quality of work.
It is known that different people can work differently. Some may see work as a consequence and some may have enjoyment in their work and strive for quality. In this regard, recall the old parable about a traveler, who asks each of the three masons, what they do, and he received from their is quite different answers; that may reflect the attitude of each of these people towards their work. Do you remember that the first mason responded and thought that he dragged those damned stones, which demonstrates his mentality and attitude for the job as a slave. The second is said that he earned his bread by working like a mercenary, and only a third is said to build a Temple.
These "thirds" could be and are our potential workaholics. They are the employees who work better, with the most quality and the most efficiency. If your organization would consist of the temple builder, success is almost guaranteed.
But hiring a good specialists, even potential workaholics, still is not enough. Of the potential workaholics, we need to cultivate and foster the real workaholics. They need to be nurtured with love and care, like a gardener, who is growing a young sapling. Only then the young seedling will grow to strong and healthy tree, and provides abundant fruit for his master.
So the same goes for working with staff. It must be, necessarily, based at least on the two directions. First of all, work with the team as a whole, and second, in person with each employee.
In the individual work, it is primarily a detect and objectification of the domestic needs of the individual and impacting on its needs, by creating conditions to meet the very relevant on that moment, this individual needs, his needs. Only in this case, you may get a good effect, but not the squandering the resources of the organization. Only satisfaction of these very, objectified inner motives will work to the promote staff to work. It is a point impact will give the desired effect and economic expenditure of funds.

For maximum effect at a "Point impacting" for an employee, you must have at a CERTAIN RATIO of at least three elements:
1. Presence of domestic interests and desires of the employee.
2. Availability of external stimuli that affect current at the needs of this of person at this moment.
3. Possibility to punish the employee.

Necessary condition in the ratio of these three elements (in that order), where the force of internal interests, needs and desires must be greater than the external stimuli that affect employees' needs, and the strength of possible punishment should be less the force of satisfying the needs of person.

This is by no means all of the variants of influence on the personnel, but only the main, basic factors of the point of motivation necessary for the beginning of the desired workaholics. Necessarily in the comprised of motivating factors: recognition, growth, achievement, responsibility, authority, etc... should include and supporting factors. During the business activities, we should also try to maximize BRINGING TOGETHER of organizational goals and interests of the employee.

When you interact on the staff in general, very important, viewing the organization as a living, evolving organism that is not in a vacuum, but in a an aggressive external environment, and there is a part of external environment. With elements of this environment it has to cooperate, compete, unite. You cant do only one. You cant, or shall we say, is pernicious not to take into account external environment that influences the entire organization as a whole and on the each element of the organization separately. This is the fact, any firm, company, enterprise, small or large, public or private, it is a living open system, the constituent element which are its own employees. For this reason, any firm is necessarily dependent on the laws of human groups (they can be called intra-groups human laws) and the external socio-economic systems that surround it. For each organization is vitally important to maintain the balance of its internal and external conditions. The same as a cell, in a living organism, in a state of active interaction with its environment, constantly seeking a state of inner balance and stabilization of his condition; so the same, and the organization must constantly monitor and adjust all the changes in the external and internal environment to maintain its viability.

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